- User Created Token - Initial Setup
When creating a User-Created Token, the total supply is automatically set to a default of 100,000 tokens.
Edit Token Dashboard
The Token Total Supply can only be configured during the token creation process and cannot be modified afterward.
When you have successfully updated the total token supply, the token overview panel on the token dashboard page will be updated.
Updated Token Panel Dashboard
The token is created and can be found in the explore listing.
To do so, Explore -> All -> Search "your User Created token name". The Market Cap, volume and price will be zero.
Explore - Search Token
At this point, the tokens have no value.
Bank Panel
To set up a value to the token, you will need to add liquidity to the token.
Before you create the Liquidity Pool, make sure you have sufficient USDU to set up the process.
In this scenario, the token creator will transfer a portion of tokens from the token bank where the tokens are stored at creation.
NOTE: Select VIEW to navigate to Token Bank Dashboard
Token Transfer: Bank to Token Creator wallet
Transfer some tokens from Token Bank to Token Creator wallet to set up liquidity.
Please note that the Token Creator need to have the equivalent amount in USDU to set up the liquidity pair.
Transfer some tokens from Token Bank to Token Creator wallet
In this example, the Token Bank is transferring 100,000 tokens to the Token Creator wallet.
In this example, the Token Bank is transferring 100,000 tokens to the Token Creator wallet.
In this example, the Token Bank is transferring 100,000 tokens to the Token Creator wallet.
Bank Transaction History
The Bank transaction History provide an audit of all the transactions. The tokens transfer is reflected here.
Token Creator Wallet
The Token Creator wallet will reflect the transferred tokens from the Bank with no value.
Set up Liquidity
To set up Liquidity, navigate to the Token Exchange and add token+USDU pair to Pool Staking.
Set up Liquidity with Token+USDU pair
To set up Liquidity, navigate to the Token Exchange and add token+USDU pair to Pool Staking.
The LP ratio will determine the starting price of the token.
In this example, $MOZART token is set to value of 1 $MOZART token = USDU 1.00. The token owner has set up the Liquidity pool with 50,000 $MOZART-USDU
Token Pricing calculation
When the tokens are added to the Pool, the Token Price will be updated to the ratio of token:USDU value.
For example,
if the ratio added is 2 token:1 USDU, token price will be set to $0.50 token
if the ratio added is 1 token:1 USDU, token price will be set to $1.00 token
if the ratio added is 1 token:5 USDU, token price will be set to $5.00 token