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Pool Staking

Pool Staking

Providing Liquidity:

Exchange Pool Stakers, also known as liquidity providers (LPs), contribute an equal value of two tokens (e.g., Token A and Token B) to a liquidity pool. This facilitates efficient trading between the paired tokens on the DEX.

The Liquidity Pool panel can be viewed within the Exchange dashboard.

Pool Staking at Genesis (before setting up Liquidity)

Exchange Dashboard - Token Pool Staking panel

Pool Staking Dashboard

There are five panels in the Pool Staking Dashboard.

  • Exchange LP Staking Panel
  • Token Pool Overview Panel
  • Token Pool Ownership panel
  • Staking History Panel
  • Exchange Staked Panel

Crypto Token Pool Staking

Exchange LP Staking Panel

When a token owner first create the token, the token has no value.

To create value, anyone can add Liquidity into the Liquidity Pool.

Liquidity Pool providers earn a share in the exchange fees.

In this example, a token holder created the FIRST liquidity and set the price.

Token : 500,000 tokens USDU : $75,000 USDU

Crypto Token Pool Staking

Liquidity Pool Staking Confirmation - Receipt

Upon successful completion of providing LP transaction by staking tokens+USDU pair, a transaction will be generated.

LP Staking Confirmation
LP Staking Succesful

Exchange LP UNStaking Panel

To unstake and remove liquidity, navigate to exchange panel and select Unstake.

Crypto Token Pool Staking

Liquidity Pool UNStaking Confirmation - Receipt

Upon successful completion of removing LP transaction, a transaction will be generated.

LP UNStaking Confirmation
LP UNStaking Successful

Pool Overview Panel

The Pool Overview panel display the current price of the token pair :

Pool Overview panel

Pool staking rewards is calculated based on fees which have been paid to liquidity providers in the past year. Divide that by total amount liquidity staked.

Crypto token Overview panel

When Liquidity is added, the token price is set and will be populated across the application.

Crypto token Overview panel

Staking History Panel

The Staking History panel display the listing of transactions by Liquidity Providers.

Pool Overview panel

Pool Ownership panel

The Pool Ownership panel display the Liquidity Providers and percentage of ownership.

In the pool leaderboard, the display shows the stakers for a particular token and display the number of shares that he has, the percentage of the total shares minted, and below, the amount of USD the shares worth (value of tokens * USD staked)

Pool Ownership panel

Exchange Staked Panel

Total Exchange Staked : the total value of the shares (value of all the tokens staked + total USD staked)

Listing: Display the number of shares the user owns.

Exchange Staked panel