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FAQ - City/Industry Token

What purpose do city and industry tokens serve in the Unit Network ecosystem?

City and Industry Tokens in the Unit Network encourage collaboration and growth.

They allow communities to work together and invest in specific areas.

These tokens help people feel involved and part of something meaningful.

They make it easier for everyone to join in and benefit from opportunities.

Overall, they promote teamwork, growth, and equal opportunity for success.

City and industry tokens have a maximum supply of 10 million each.

They're released from their banks at increasing prices.

This happens when the TOKEN-USDU exchange rate hits the next predetermined bank price.

It makes the tokens more appealing for purchase.

What makes city and industry tokens valuable? What factors affect their value in the market?

City and industry token valuation uses a dual strategy with a 'push' and 'pull' mechanism.

Limited token supply is released strategically to acquire project, personal, or business tokens within the community.

Tokens are safeguarded in dedicated banks and treasuries to gradually increase prices through successive sale price rounds.

Additional tokens are introduced to the market simultaneously.

What do you get when you buy a city or industry token?

Investing in a city or industry token is like having a direct stake in the future token economy of that city or industry.

It's different from traditional methods like ETFs or government offices; instead, you own a share in the community's "shared bank account" using Unit's technology.

There are two main ways this happens:

Community members and businesses actively participate, gaining ownership in the ecosystem.

Businesses and projects use the token as a reserve asset, backed by exchange fees and the assets it holds.

For example, if 1 million musicians invest in the MUSIC token out of the 100 million available, it's like a shared fund or savings account, driving the token's price up.

What's a 'reverse-ETF,' and how is it different from a regular ETF?

An ETF manages assets for shareholders, while a token, acting as a reverse-ETF, invests in various token banks and treasuries itself.

By placing this limited-supply reverse ETF/token in project token treasuries, its price goes up, providing an easy way to invest in those assets.

Trading fees and token sales from these banks help raise the token's floor price, increasing its overall value.

Unit focuses on industries with significant transaction activities and population sizes for tokenization.

All tokens within an industry or city are interchangeable, allowing for easy integration into community pages.

Users can search for tokens based on criteria like community, price/treasury, growth rate, upcoming sales rounds, and other metrics.